Be realistic

It’s nice to dream sometimes to keep your brain busy. We usually dream about something what we want to have. But wouldn’t you agree that it can take too much of our time? While we dream, we miss real things that are passing by?

What if we all become more aware and realistic? Look around you, what exactly is happening? What you want to have? What can you do to make your life better? What can you do to improve life of others?

Just stand up and action. Don’t search for excuses.

  • Convert your dreams, interests, passion, your values, beliefs, principles and ideas one after another into goals. Get specific about what you want to achieve. Organize yourself. Prioritize your choices. Focus.
  • Add your strongest skills as a cheery on top.
  • Break your goals one after another into tasks or small short-term achievements and start action, day after day, until you touch your dream with your hands, smile to yourself and realize how much you have actually enjoyed the journey!

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