Happy you – happy me

If someone would come to you on the street today and asked if you are happy, what would be your answer?

In fact, people will be much happier if they would learn to distinguish the inner state of the soul from a passing emotion called – mood.

Our mood can change many times per day, because things like bad weather, bad health, problems at work, and misunderstandings with loved ones can easily affect it.

State of happy soul is something different though. Either it exists, or it is necessary to build your life the way that it would appear. You should start with yourself. Just give smiles, compliments and words of gratitude to those who surround you, and do good deeds. Happy faces of people around you will reciprocate, and you will feel much happier!

Go into the ‘Settings’ of your soul, open the ‘Status’ folder, tick ‘Happy’ and forget the password.

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