
Relationship is a world for two. It’s a place for emotional recovery, where you disconnect from problems and reveal all your best qualities. It’s a place where you are in a state of complete calmness and peace with yourself. You want to stop the time and stay in this moment forever.

If it’s not the case, especially at the very beginning, if relationship is an additional source of problems, worry and frustration – run from it, preferably to the other end of the universe, so it would make it impossible to return!

Being alone will never cause as much loneliness as being with a wrong person.

Be in a relationship only when you feel that it’s the best thing that has ever happened to you!

Love never ask questions, if it has come, it settles in a blissful smile, surround you with tenderness and carries away into its own world.. and you get to know those eyes, that reflect happiness and make your heart calm.

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