How is it – to work from home?

Interesting topic – some people love to work from home, others hate it. Some people don’t care where they have to work from unless they have a work at all! And here I am, a workaholic lady, who loves her job, analysing and going through phases until finally one day I will be able to let it go and focus on something else:)

So, sharing my experience, which I go through for the last half a year. Never in my life I have imaged or wished for working from home.. and that happened unexpectedly and unplanned.

1. Resistance – can not accept this, have not signed up for this, no way I can do this.. but I love my job! Somebody do something, change this back to how it was. I want to wake up tomorrow with a thought that it was just a dream, just pack my stuff and go back to the office to see my colleagues, be involved in society, see people around, meet new people and just be in that exciting circle of office life.

2. Feeling lucky – yes, no meter what and no meter where – I continue doing what I do best. Hassle free, no commute, no rush, no stress, just wake up and do your thing, complete flexibility.

3. Boredom – seems like it’s working out and I slowly start to adopt to a change but I just feel bored! I feel like I need to be entertained, at least have people around me to talk to sometimes in real, video calls are not helping much..

4. Acceptance – just be real, that’s how it is, enjoy every moment, look at a bright side, stay positive, focus, build your lifestyle around this new experience. Simply accept this, embrace this and go with a flow. There is always an option to change your favorite job, throw yourself into the unknown but.. you might end up working from home again, as nothing is certain! So, for as long as you love what you do – just continue doing your best, no meter where you are! – And this is what I tell myself every morning by slowly reaching to a phase 4:)

Let’s wait for a next chapter and see how the world will continue to change.

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