my Norway

Norway is cold and full of snow! It’s snowy all year round. So if you are a fan of winter wonderland activities and skiing – that’s a place to go. If not, then it can be a cool, once in a lifetime experience. My trip was spontaneous and totally unplanned – joined group of friends…

my Sicily

Waking up in a small town – Balestrate, having a cup of coffee outside on a terrace and welcoming a new day, and after, straight into the sea for a nice swim and sun bath. Beautiful way to start a day in Sicily! My trip to Sicily was very interesting. When a group of 11…

More protein foods = less cravings for sweets

Many people are ‘in love’ with sweets. Sweets makes us happy but they are simply not healthy! Let’s get ‘happy’ feelings somewhere else but food, no discussion 😀 There is a perfect way out for those, who can’t live without sugar! Remember one important rule – the more protein rich foods you will consume, the…

my Switzerland – beautiful Zurich

Beautiful Zurich – one of the most cosmopolitan and dynamic cities in Switzerland, financial capital, industrial and cultural center. Zurich is famous for luxurious lifestyles, high-end shopping and fancy chocolates. Swiss watch stores are on every corner and Beyer Clock and Watch Museum holds one of the world’s most important private collections of Swiss watch…

What type of traveler are you?

Photographers Traveling anywhere, everywhere for a best shot. Everyone from professional photographers, bloggers, to photo lovers would fall under this category. Some people care about taking the perfect photo more then simply be in that moment and enjoy all sceneries with their own eyes, instead of through the camera lance. These type travelers usually prefer…

my Morocco

Interesting country – Morocco. Never been on a coast side but traveled a bit around the cities on the north. Impression – dirty, undeveloped, interesting but shocking for a western European mind. Everything around you is very very old, feels like buildings will collapse right now.. and everyone want to sell you a carpet.. But…

Organize yourself Part 2: Delegate responsibilities

Organized people tend to be heavy controllers. Is it possible to achieve results without owning and controlling every little thing yourself? Yes – there is definitely a way out! All you need is a little bit more trust in people and understanding that to be successful, you don’t have do and control everything yourself literally…

Organize yourself. Part 1 – Write things down

Why shall we write things down and what are the advantages? Every day there are so many things to do, to plan and organise, and often we simply forget. We forget to make an important call or to check or do something, and those thoughts are dragging day after day. We remember for a moment,…

my Andorra

Andorra is an amazing small country in the middle of the Pyrenees. It’s so small that you can walk and drive around, and see it all in a few hours. Also, ski resort is just nearby, few minutes of driving and there you are, enjoying the snow and skiing activities right on the top of…

my Barcelona

I simply adore this city. It’s big and small at the same time, it’s super fun, beautiful, warm, entertaining and jamon.. yes I can eat this thing daily! Spanish language – it’s simply one of the most beautiful languages out there – it’s like a music to my ears. Every time I hear Spanish people…

Make self-care a number one priority

When you take care of your inner-self and outer-self you will achieve harmony and balance in everything you do! Let’s focus on an outer-self-care. What important skin-care routines should you follow, to achieve a result of healthy, beautiful and radiant looking skin? Add the below habits to your skin-care routine and you will no longer…

Busy liar vs honesty

We often hear word ‘busy’ from people. Some people seem to always be busy and continue saying that all the time. But is that really true? Is there something real or urgent happening? Are you actually doing something by fact and being productive? Or are you lying to yourself and people around you by putting…