
When we hear life stories of successful people, we realize that they have gone through a lot of pain and drama.. How do they manage continue smiling and looking happy though, no matter what? The answer to this question is Faith! Believe in the best, believe in wonder! Smile every day and be sure that…


You don’t have the power to change your past, but you do have a power to change your future!

Never stop trying

We all fail in our lives sometimes. We are feeling miserable, thinking why? Maybe we don’t do something we supposed to do or don’t see something we suppose to see? Or maybe we are just being unlucky.. time pass.. we try to change situation to feel comfortable with ourselves again and we understand, that this…


Life is so unpredictable, a real adventure. Let the passion and desire within you make you shine and lead you to your own sense of perfection. Be unstoppable.


Find joy in everything you choose to do. Joy can be a source of your smile and your smile can be a source of joy for others. Joy will increase, if you spread it to the world and life will take you on the right course creating an amazing life journey.

Optimistic way of life

Optimistic way of life will empower you to see positive side and opportunity in each challenge. Keep your head pointed toward the sun and feet moving forward. Pay attention to the good and the kind and smile.

Happy you – happy me

If someone would come to you on the street today and asked if you are happy, what would be your answer? In fact, people will be much happier if they would learn to distinguish the inner state of the soul from a passing emotion called – mood. Our mood can change many times per day,…


Freedom is something we dream to have. We feel stuck in our everyday routine, in the relationship, at work, at home. We don’t feel free because there is always something or someone that makes us feel stressed, makes us change our plans and do something we don’t want. At the end of the day we…

Best friends

Best friends share laughs, memories and jokes. They will always be honest and stand by your side no matter what. They will wipe your tears, pick you up when you fall, and will have a piece of your heart forever. True friends aren’t the ones who make your problems disappear but are the ones who…

Just do it

It is easy to move forward when somebody, who can help and support is right by your side. But what if there is no such person? The choice is yours – either you simply do nothing, or you put all your willpower together and start action. It will not be easy but if you will…

Live to love

The best and most beautiful things in this world can not be seen or even heard, they must be felt with a heart. Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fence, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hopes. Where there is love there is life. Live to love and love to…

Be the energy you want to attract

Wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and smile. Smile will charge you with a great mood for the whole day and adjust your inner energy to – positive. Focus on what you desire and remember, your energy, as a magnet, will attract exactly what your heart sincerely is seeking for.