my Ireland

Rain and nature, nature and rain – Ireland, once my home of 5 years. Nature. Ireland is an interesting island, which is kinda part of Europe but kinda its own little world, with its own rules and ideas. It has beautiful mountains on the south, long sea cost on the east, and even longer sea…

my Stockholm

When I think of Stockholm, two things which come to my mind are the elves and soft water. Elves, because I have never seen so many beautiful, tall, athletic, shiny skinned and golden blond haired people in one place in my life! Everybody is like a copy-paste of each other, that nation is simply gorgeous…

my Istanbul

Beautiful and diverse, embraces both Asia and Europe – Istanbul is like no other city I have ever visited. Istanbul is a place where you can see a modern western ideology combined with a traditional eastern culture. It’s s a unique city that has been the capital to many civilizations from past to present and…

my Paris

Paris have a special place in my heart. I’ve been there many times and I want to go back there again and again. This city have a very special vibe and atmosphere. It’s elegant, beautiful, inspiring and very welcoming during any season. It is definitely in my top 5 favorites! 1st time I’ve been there…

my New York

New York – city of lights. I was dreaming to visit it since I was like 12, and it was one of the 1st places I went to, when I started traveling at 18. Energy of this big city is incredible. It have instantly became one of my favourite places! City is full of inspiration,…

my France’s hidden gem – Lille

Lille – France’s hidden gem! Lille is one on those places, where who you go with – matters. It can be either just a beautiful city to spend a weekend in, or this romantic, adorable place, where everything you do becomes special and unforgettable. I would recommend Lille to all the lovebirds. This is a…

my Norway

Norway is cold and full of snow! It’s snowy all year round. So if you are a fan of winter wonderland activities and skiing – that’s a place to go. If not, then it can be a cool, once in a lifetime experience. My trip was spontaneous and totally unplanned – joined group of friends…

my Sicily

Waking up in a small town – Balestrate, having a cup of coffee outside on a terrace and welcoming a new day, and after, straight into the sea for a nice swim and sun bath. Beautiful way to start a day in Sicily! My trip to Sicily was very interesting. When a group of 11…

Best friends

Best friends share laughs, memories and jokes. They will always be honest and stand by your side no matter what. They will wipe your tears, pick you up when you fall, and will have a piece of your heart forever. True friends aren’t the ones who make your problems disappear but are the ones who…

Give world the best that’s inside of you

Each of us has both good and bad qualities. But before you judge someone, think of how perfect you are yourself and how beautiful you made your life around you.. Never stop working on improving your good qualities, share them with a world and as a reward, the world will give you the same back….

Life is limitless

One day you’ll realize that life is limitless, Your heart will lead you there, to the unknown. Be open to explore where boarder is, And only sun will show you more.   See where the power lies, below the weakest drop, It’s there for you, unseen, but gives you glow, You’ll find it there, above…