Everything happens for a reason!

Do you remember yourself a year ago? And and look at yourself today – are you the same person? What work did you do last year and what do you do today? Where have you traveled during the past year? Are there any changes in your personal life? What people where next to you back…

How is it – to work from home?

Interesting topic – some people love to work from home, others hate it. Some people don’t care where they have to work from unless they have a work at all! And here I am, a workaholic lady, who loves her job, analysing and going through phases until finally one day I will be able to…

Never stop trying

We all fail in our lives sometimes. We are feeling miserable, thinking why? Maybe we don’t do something we supposed to do or don’t see something we suppose to see? Or maybe we are just being unlucky.. time pass.. we try to change situation to feel comfortable with ourselves again and we understand, that this…

Just do it

It is easy to move forward when somebody, who can help and support is right by your side. But what if there is no such person? The choice is yours – either you simply do nothing, or you put all your willpower together and start action. It will not be easy but if you will…

Everything is gonna be OK

Whatever happens in life, it’s always important to remember that we must live through the bad moments. Things will change, life will take a different turn and there will be a beginning of something good. Each of us has experienced moments when life has divided to ‘before’ and ‘after’ and that is absolutely normal! Life…

What are the advantages of stressful situations?

What is stress? – Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or nervous. Stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge. In a very short bursts, stress can actually be a positive thing and can help you avoid danger…

Direction – Happiness

Our life begins with a grand event – our birth. Just think what a miracle nature has created by giving us our life! But what kind of life this will be – we choose ourselves. All that we have now are series of events and our actions, words, deeds. Only we build our life the…