Everything happens for a reason!

Do you remember yourself a year ago? And and look at yourself today – are you the same person? What work did you do last year and what do you do today? Where have you traveled during the past year? Are there any changes in your personal life? What people where next to you back…

How is it – to work from home?

Interesting topic – some people love to work from home, others hate it. Some people don’t care where they have to work from unless they have a work at all! And here I am, a workaholic lady, who loves her job, analysing and going through phases until finally one day I will be able to…

my Norway

Norway is cold and full of snow! It’s snowy all year round. So if you are a fan of winter wonderland activities and skiing – that’s a place to go. If not, then it can be a cool, once in a lifetime experience. My trip was spontaneous and totally unplanned – joined group of friends…

my Morocco

Interesting country – Morocco. Never been on a coast side but traveled a bit around the cities on the north. Impression – dirty, undeveloped, interesting but shocking for a western European mind. Everything around you is very very old, feels like buildings will collapse right now.. and everyone want to sell you a carpet.. But…

Organize yourself Part 2: Delegate responsibilities

Organized people tend to be heavy controllers. Is it possible to achieve results without owning and controlling every little thing yourself? Yes – there is definitely a way out! All you need is a little bit more trust in people and understanding that to be successful, you don’t have do and control everything yourself literally…

Follow your heart

Your true passion is not found overnight, but is realized through series of discoveries, small interests, life situations, experience, with time, effort and focus. You need to take action and feel your way to your truth from the inside out. Magic really does start to happen when you follow your heart. ️

Don’t regret what happened

We often make mistakes. It’s impossible to live a life without making them. Many people regret what they once did ‘wrong’. But what’s the point of regretting it? We simply waste our time and spend our nerves while thinking constantly about it. Look at it from another angle. Admit to yourself that everyone has a…

Everything is gonna be OK

Whatever happens in life, it’s always important to remember that we must live through the bad moments. Things will change, life will take a different turn and there will be a beginning of something good. Each of us has experienced moments when life has divided to ‘before’ and ‘after’ and that is absolutely normal! Life…

Nature and Happiness

Do you think there is a link between nature and happiness? I totally believe in this! Nature definitely have an effect on our lives, independently from the other things that make us feel emotionally connected to life like family, country, culture, music, friends.. Nature is something that improve our well-being, reduces anger, fear, stress and…