Follow your heart

Your true passion is not found overnight, but is realized through series of discoveries, small interests, life situations, experience, with time, effort and focus. You need to take action and feel your way to your truth from the inside out. Magic really does start to happen when you follow your heart. ️

So unexpected

So unexpected, so many doubts, But don’t run away and follow your heart, Though, heart is like a rock, emotions blocked with ice, It’s hard to break that wall but starting to feel nice.   That one day feel so sweet, And one moment feel so happy, That one time feel so pleased, And one…

Inner moonlight

Follow your inner moonlight, Follow your heart and thoughts. Enjoy every step to spotlight, Love all your art and shots.   Trust your emotions and your feelings, That very special way you know. Feel the direction, find the meaning In expectations of your own.   Your imperfections make you perfect, Unique, one of a kind,…