
Relationship is a world for two. It’s a place for emotional recovery, where you disconnect from problems and reveal all your best qualities. It’s a place where you are in a state of complete calmness and peace with yourself. You want to stop the time and stay in this moment forever. If it’s not the…

About friendship

While we are young, we usually have a lot of friends with who we spend time together, but group is getting smaller and smaller over the years. Why is that happening? All depends on how people change and what direction they move. Some have life full of positiveness, while others have failures and stress. Some…

Never stop trying

We all fail in our lives sometimes. We are feeling miserable, thinking why? Maybe we don’t do something we supposed to do or don’t see something we suppose to see? Or maybe we are just being unlucky.. time pass.. we try to change situation to feel comfortable with ourselves again and we understand, that this…

Best friends

Best friends share laughs, memories and jokes. They will always be honest and stand by your side no matter what. They will wipe your tears, pick you up when you fall, and will have a piece of your heart forever. True friends aren’t the ones who make your problems disappear but are the ones who…


New small orange planet, Filled with love and great emotions, Where sweet magic happens, Day and night, with flawless motions. Where the stars shine brighter, Ocean salty breeze.. so mild, Sun kissed skin feels lighter, Music beats recharge your mind. Precious time of joy, Together with my one and only, Days go with a flow,…