Everything happens for a reason!

Do you remember yourself a year ago? And and look at yourself today – are you the same person? What work did you do last year and what do you do today? Where have you traveled during the past year? Are there any changes in your personal life? What people where next to you back…

my Norway

Norway is cold and full of snow! It’s snowy all year round. So if you are a fan of winter wonderland activities and skiing – that’s a place to go. If not, then it can be a cool, once in a lifetime experience. My trip was spontaneous and totally unplanned – joined group of friends…

Optimistic way of life

Optimistic way of life will empower you to see positive side and opportunity in each challenge. Keep your head pointed toward the sun and feet moving forward. Pay attention to the good and the kind and smile.

Believe in yourself

Belief – is the main foundation of any great success. When we manage to believe in ourselves, everything else become possible. Follow these 5 steps, which will help you to believe in yourself more:

Go with a flow

Life often has something way bigger and better planned for you if you just go with the flow, take chances, believe in possibility and just be a good person. When one door closes – another opens, you just have to get yourself through that door.

Stop comparing your life to others

Think of how much energy you are wasting comparing your life to others? Think about it for a moment and be honest with yourself. Now – imagine what you can do, if you only focus that energy on doing good with your own life?..

Everything is gonna be OK

Whatever happens in life, it’s always important to remember that we must live through the bad moments. Things will change, life will take a different turn and there will be a beginning of something good. Each of us has experienced moments when life has divided to ‘before’ and ‘after’ and that is absolutely normal! Life…


When we listen to a person, we give him a priceless feeling of respect. It is not that easy to be a good listener, it requires concentration, control over your emotions, deep respect and curiosity. By listening and asking questions, we learn new and interesting things. Think, who from your environment really listens to you…

Give world the best that’s inside of you

Each of us has both good and bad qualities. But before you judge someone, think of how perfect you are yourself and how beautiful you made your life around you.. Never stop working on improving your good qualities, share them with a world and as a reward, the world will give you the same back….