
Relationship is a world for two. It’s a place for emotional recovery, where you disconnect from problems and reveal all your best qualities. It’s a place where you are in a state of complete calmness and peace with yourself. You want to stop the time and stay in this moment forever. If it’s not the…

Happy you – happy me

If someone would come to you on the street today and asked if you are happy, what would be your answer? In fact, people will be much happier if they would learn to distinguish the inner state of the soul from a passing emotion called – mood. Our mood can change many times per day,…

Simplify complexity

Our lives and work are filled with so much to do and so little time, making for complications and challenges. What if we could really simplify our lives, focus on what really matters and let the rest go? It is not easy, it takes impetuous daily practice, but the reward is great enough to make…

Direction – Happiness

Our life begins with a grand event – our birth. Just think what a miracle nature has created by giving us our life! But what kind of life this will be – we choose ourselves. All that we have now are series of events and our actions, words, deeds. Only we build our life the…

Nature and Happiness

Do you think there is a link between nature and happiness? I totally believe in this! Nature definitely have an effect on our lives, independently from the other things that make us feel emotionally connected to life like family, country, culture, music, friends.. Nature is something that improve our well-being, reduces anger, fear, stress and…

Life is limitless

One day you’ll realize that life is limitless, Your heart will lead you there, to the unknown. Be open to explore where boarder is, And only sun will show you more.   See where the power lies, below the weakest drop, It’s there for you, unseen, but gives you glow, You’ll find it there, above…

So unexpected

So unexpected, so many doubts, But don’t run away and follow your heart, Though, heart is like a rock, emotions blocked with ice, It’s hard to break that wall but starting to feel nice.   That one day feel so sweet, And one moment feel so happy, That one time feel so pleased, And one…

Mystery ride

Feel so dizzy, don’t know what hit me, But that’s so alright, I like this mystery magical ride, Which show new places and sparkles of light, Which gives excitement and melts that ice bright, Which gives confusion, but makes everything near, Feels so real, easy and clear. He is my worst destruction and my muse,…


Perfection is attraction That blows my mind away. Forever in the action, With joy and on the way.   Together we are fire, Unstoppable, complete. When south meets west, it’s power, Which lead to the orbit.   Hugs and kisses rule the globe, Turn it upside down, for love. Double energy will beat, All the…


New small orange planet, Filled with love and great emotions, Where sweet magic happens, Day and night, with flawless motions. Where the stars shine brighter, Ocean salty breeze.. so mild, Sun kissed skin feels lighter, Music beats recharge your mind. Precious time of joy, Together with my one and only, Days go with a flow,…

The Journey

The journey is exciting, and moments are not vague, Feel stars and feel the passion of life all through your veins. The world will let you see things you never even knew, Stay humble and excited, don’t let the time pass through. Keep vibe of joy and freedom together in your heart, Relax, take chance…