Everything happens for a reason!

Do you remember yourself a year ago? And and look at yourself today – are you the same person? What work did you do last year and what do you do today? Where have you traveled during the past year? Are there any changes in your personal life? What people where next to you back…

Be proud of yourself

You are the only person in your life who you face 24/7. You have to be proud of yourself, of what you do, what surround you and what you aim for. And if you don’t – never stop learning, developing, succeeding, falling and rising until you can finally honor yourself with this great feeling of being proud of…

Travel experience

We travel to escape. Through this escape we learn, explore and get high off the sense of anonymity. This freedom of anonymity and ability to re-invent ourselves often leads to self-discovery. We find a sense of purpose and have a better understanding of who we are. We return from a journey better able to recognize…


When we listen to a person, we give him a priceless feeling of respect. It is not that easy to be a good listener, it requires concentration, control over your emotions, deep respect and curiosity. By listening and asking questions, we learn new and interesting things. Think, who from your environment really listens to you…