What are the advantages of stressful situations?

What is stress? – Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or nervous. Stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge. In a very short bursts, stress can actually be a positive thing and can help you avoid danger…

Always be polite

Imagine one situation, but in two different scenarios. In the first one, you are treated with respect and told polite words (good afternoon, please, have a pleasant day, thank you) and in a second one, words of politeness are reduced to zero and you are not even told thank you. Which of these 2 people…


When we listen to a person, we give him a priceless feeling of respect. It is not that easy to be a good listener, it requires concentration, control over your emotions, deep respect and curiosity. By listening and asking questions, we learn new and interesting things. Think, who from your environment really listens to you…

Give world the best that’s inside of you

Each of us has both good and bad qualities. But before you judge someone, think of how perfect you are yourself and how beautiful you made your life around you.. Never stop working on improving your good qualities, share them with a world and as a reward, the world will give you the same back….


Our world is made up of beauty. The beauty of nature, people, things, art. The beauty of heart is something years have no power of. The beauty of travel and new emotions. You can even fall in love with a beauty of voice from the first seconds. If you are able to see the beautiful,…