How is it – to work from home?

Interesting topic – some people love to work from home, others hate it. Some people don’t care where they have to work from unless they have a work at all! And here I am, a workaholic lady, who loves her job, analysing and going through phases until finally one day I will be able to…

Be realistic

It’s nice to dream sometimes to keep your brain busy. We usually dream about something what we want to have. But wouldn’t you agree that it can take too much of our time? While we dream, we miss real things that are passing by? What if we all become more aware and realistic? Look around…

So unexpected

So unexpected, so many doubts, But don’t run away and follow your heart, Though, heart is like a rock, emotions blocked with ice, It’s hard to break that wall but starting to feel nice.   That one day feel so sweet, And one moment feel so happy, That one time feel so pleased, And one…

Mystery ride

Feel so dizzy, don’t know what hit me, But that’s so alright, I like this mystery magical ride, Which show new places and sparkles of light, Which gives excitement and melts that ice bright, Which gives confusion, but makes everything near, Feels so real, easy and clear. He is my worst destruction and my muse,…