Before you make a promise, think, are you ready to fulfill it?

Usually, promises put the person to whom they were given into a certain dependence. Person make plans and associate hopes with it. Therefore, in cases where a person does not keep his word, he does not only demonstrate his irresponsibility but also a level of disrespect. If you cannot fulfill your promise or keep your…

Live your dream

People will make fun of you, try to crush your dreams or judge the relationship you are in – do not listen to them – listen to your heart, work your ass off, be bold enough to risk often, respect your loved ones and always keep learning and growing – that’s the secret of living…


When we listen to a person, we give him a priceless feeling of respect. It is not that easy to be a good listener, it requires concentration, control over your emotions, deep respect and curiosity. By listening and asking questions, we learn new and interesting things. Think, who from your environment really listens to you…


Usually people are drawn like a magnet to those who are self-confident. It is more pleasant to work and communicate with such people. The more you love, respect and believe in yourself, the more others believe in you. And vice-versa, if you demonstrate uncertainty, it will be difficult for you to find people who would…