my France’s hidden gem – Lille

Lille – France’s hidden gem! Lille is one on those places, where who you go with – matters. It can be either just a beautiful city to spend a weekend in, or this romantic, adorable place, where everything you do becomes special and unforgettable. I would recommend Lille to all the lovebirds. This is a…

my Sicily

Waking up in a small town – Balestrate, having a cup of coffee outside on a terrace and welcoming a new day, and after, straight into the sea for a nice swim and sun bath. Beautiful way to start a day in Sicily! My trip to Sicily was very interesting. When a group of 11…

Inner moonlight

Follow your inner moonlight, Follow your heart and thoughts. Enjoy every step to spotlight, Love all your art and shots.   Trust your emotions and your feelings, That very special way you know. Feel the direction, find the meaning In expectations of your own.   Your imperfections make you perfect, Unique, one of a kind,…