
Relationship is a world for two. It’s a place for emotional recovery, where you disconnect from problems and reveal all your best qualities. It’s a place where you are in a state of complete calmness and peace with yourself. You want to stop the time and stay in this moment forever. If it’s not the…

Follow your heart

Your true passion is not found overnight, but is realized through series of discoveries, small interests, life situations, experience, with time, effort and focus. You need to take action and feel your way to your truth from the inside out. Magic really does start to happen when you follow your heart. ️

Happy you – happy me

If someone would come to you on the street today and asked if you are happy, what would be your answer? In fact, people will be much happier if they would learn to distinguish the inner state of the soul from a passing emotion called – mood. Our mood can change many times per day,…

Simplify complexity

Our lives and work are filled with so much to do and so little time, making for complications and challenges. What if we could really simplify our lives, focus on what really matters and let the rest go? It is not easy, it takes impetuous daily practice, but the reward is great enough to make…

Direction – Happiness

Our life begins with a grand event – our birth. Just think what a miracle nature has created by giving us our life! But what kind of life this will be – we choose ourselves. All that we have now are series of events and our actions, words, deeds. Only we build our life the…


When we listen to a person, we give him a priceless feeling of respect. It is not that easy to be a good listener, it requires concentration, control over your emotions, deep respect and curiosity. By listening and asking questions, we learn new and interesting things. Think, who from your environment really listens to you…

Inner moonlight

Follow your inner moonlight, Follow your heart and thoughts. Enjoy every step to spotlight, Love all your art and shots.   Trust your emotions and your feelings, That very special way you know. Feel the direction, find the meaning In expectations of your own.   Your imperfections make you perfect, Unique, one of a kind,…

The Journey

The journey is exciting, and moments are not vague, Feel stars and feel the passion of life all through your veins. The world will let you see things you never even knew, Stay humble and excited, don’t let the time pass through. Keep vibe of joy and freedom together in your heart, Relax, take chance…