How to organize your closet?

Firstly, let’s understand what ‘organize’ means? Is it a one time process or is it something you have to do regularly? And what does this mean, to have organizational skills and how to apply them for organizing your favorite closet?
So, to organize means to systematically arrange something or to put in order. And that is exactly what we are going to do, from now on, always!

We all have a lot of clothes, from summer to winter clothes, from shoes to accessories. To make sure all our stuff and a closet itself are always in order, clean and fresh, enjoyable to look at every morning and have space for everything, we have to get rid of a hoarder mindset and be practical.

  1. Apply a quarterly rule or revision. At the beginning of every season invest few hours to go through your stuff. Check every peace of your clothes, from socks to jackets. See if they are wearable, nice, fashionable and clean because you want to feel good in whatever is on you. If you found things you know you are not going to wear ever, get rid of them immediately. If you doubt – put them into a bag and store for a while, to allow yourself to think.
  2. Clean your closet, every shelf, every corner, wrap each peace of your clothes beautifully and put everything in its place. Socks go to the bottom, then pants, shorts, skirts, then shirts, jumpers and sweaters on top – exactly from bottom to the top, as to how you apply it on yourself. Blouses, dresses and jackets go on the hangers, always.
  3. Have a separate cupboard for your lingerie. Lingerie just can’t be mixed between other stuff. This is intimate, private, this is something what gives you self esteem, it needs its own space, like your little treasure.
  4. Accessories, belts, bags, shoes, ect. can be placed in another side of the closet or separate shelf or cupboard. This is something you add to your main look, after you put your clothes on, so you need to keep them separately, to be able to mix and match without distraction of other things. This is your little extra.

And lastly, once a year before New Years, exactly during the time when you are ready to say goodbye to the current year and enter a new year with new beginnings – its time to get rid of unnecessary and unwearable stuff. Don’t be afraid to get rid of stuff. It doesn’t matter if you bought it yourself or it was gifted to you. You have to appreciate that moment when you got it, wear it and easily give away to your sisters, brothers, friends or throw it away, without regrets, to have a space for new things. Circle of life remember?

Closet have to breathe, it have to have enough space for everything, it have to be clean and organized, its not a storage or a bin. It have to put a smile on your face every time you open it and every peace of clothes you put on every day have to make you happy.

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