How to make cleaning a fun experience?

How much time do you invest in cleaning your house? Do you take it as a must-do-routine or do you really enjoy doing this?

I want to share with you few basic important rules and idea as to why having a clean house is one of the most important things in your life, and how to make cleaning a fun experience.

About importance – it all comes from your mind and your mind lives inside your body and your body lives in the house – everything is connected! To have a fresh mind you need to provide your body a fresh, clean house. Clutter and dirt in the house creates mess in your mind. There is just no space for creativity in the dirty, messy house, no room for thoughts flow and no clear vision.

Find its own place for everything.

Each thing in the house have to have its place. Kitchen is for cooking and kitchen tools. Living room is for a time to rest, watch TV, play games or read. Bedroom is for sleep. Study room is for work or study. Wardrobe or closet is for clothes. Those terms speak for themselves, therefore when you see clothes on the couch or laptop in the bedroom that should trigger a bell telling you – no, no, bring everything to its room and put things to its designated place. Walk from room to room to kitchen to bathroom and observe. Whenever you see things that not supposed to be there, remove them and never put them there again. That is the only way to work out a habit of putting everything on its place.

To make cleaning fun:

  1. Look at cleaning as the exercise of the day, time for fitness! Put your fitness close on, prepare yourself as you go to the gym. Take all your tools out and start removing dust from room to room to kitchen to bathroom. Then take your vacuum cleaner and vacuum all the dirt out. Then take your mop and mop all the floors – a fresh finish.
  2. It’s a perfect time to listen to your favorite music! Turn the bits on, sing along, forget about everything and just enjoy the moment – your ‘me moment’ of the day.
  3. It’s a time to relax your brain! Focus on cleaning only, switch off from everything and everyone. Don’t think, don’t plan just stay in that moment. Focus on your moves and focus on the music. If you feel like you can’t switch off, then make 10 sit ups and continue!

Remember: Create a daily habit of putting things back to its place – where it was taken from. Create a weekly habit of dust removal, vacuuming and mopping. And the most important – know that your body and mind will really appreciate you creating a fresh and clean environment for them to live, to be healthy and happy.

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