my Stockholm

When I think of Stockholm, two things which come to my mind are the elves and soft water. Elves, because I have never seen so many beautiful, tall, athletic, shiny skinned and golden blond haired people in one place in my life! Everybody is like a copy-paste of each other, that nation is simply gorgeous…

my Switzerland – beautiful Zurich

Beautiful Zurich – one of the most cosmopolitan and dynamic cities in Switzerland, financial capital, industrial and cultural center. Zurich is famous for luxurious lifestyles, high-end shopping and fancy chocolates. Swiss watch stores are on every corner and Beyer Clock and Watch Museum holds one of the world’s most important private collections of Swiss watch…

How to make cleaning a fun experience?

How much time do you invest in cleaning your house? Do you take it as a must-do-routine or do you really enjoy doing this? I want to share with you few basic important rules and idea as to why having a clean house is one of the most important things in your life, and how…

How to organize your closet?

Firstly, let’s understand what ‘organize’ means? Is it a one time process or is it something you have to do regularly? And what does this mean, to have organizational skills and how to apply them for organizing your favorite closet?So, to organize means to systematically arrange something or to put in order. And that is…

How to make a right decision?

Life is so unpredictable. Today you can have everything planned and organized and tomorrow an unexpected situation can change things upside down. So many times, you would panic and feel lost. How would you know if it’s a right decision? How would you understand what is right or wrong at all? How would you deal…

About friendship

While we are young, we usually have a lot of friends with who we spend time together, but group is getting smaller and smaller over the years. Why is that happening? All depends on how people change and what direction they move. Some have life full of positiveness, while others have failures and stress. Some…

Travel experience

We travel to escape. Through this escape we learn, explore and get high off the sense of anonymity. This freedom of anonymity and ability to re-invent ourselves often leads to self-discovery. We find a sense of purpose and have a better understanding of who we are. We return from a journey better able to recognize…

Everything is gonna be OK

Whatever happens in life, it’s always important to remember that we must live through the bad moments. Things will change, life will take a different turn and there will be a beginning of something good. Each of us has experienced moments when life has divided to ‘before’ and ‘after’ and that is absolutely normal! Life…

Are you a unique person?

Many people claim they want to be unique but in reality very few are ready to commit to their own ideas, focusing attention to the best they can be! Unfortunately, too few people are really ready not to follow existing guidelines, not to belong to the crowd and not to focus on popularity. Every person…


Usually people are drawn like a magnet to those who are self-confident. It is more pleasant to work and communicate with such people. The more you love, respect and believe in yourself, the more others believe in you. And vice-versa, if you demonstrate uncertainty, it will be difficult for you to find people who would…

So unexpected

So unexpected, so many doubts, But don’t run away and follow your heart, Though, heart is like a rock, emotions blocked with ice, It’s hard to break that wall but starting to feel nice.   That one day feel so sweet, And one moment feel so happy, That one time feel so pleased, And one…