What type of traveler are you?

Photographers Traveling anywhere, everywhere for a best shot. Everyone from professional photographers, bloggers, to photo lovers would fall under this category. Some people care about taking the perfect photo more then simply be in that moment and enjoy all sceneries with their own eyes, instead of through the camera lance. These type travelers usually prefer…

Organize yourself Part 2: Delegate responsibilities

Organized people tend to be heavy controllers. Is it possible to achieve results without owning and controlling every little thing yourself? Yes – there is definitely a way out! All you need is a little bit more trust in people and understanding that to be successful, you don’t have do and control everything yourself literally…

Organize yourself. Part 1 – Write things down

Why shall we write things down and what are the advantages? Every day there are so many things to do, to plan and organise, and often we simply forget. We forget to make an important call or to check or do something, and those thoughts are dragging day after day. We remember for a moment,…

How to organize your closet?

Firstly, let’s understand what ‘organize’ means? Is it a one time process or is it something you have to do regularly? And what does this mean, to have organizational skills and how to apply them for organizing your favorite closet?So, to organize means to systematically arrange something or to put in order. And that is…