Organize yourself Part 2: Delegate responsibilities

Organized people tend to be heavy controllers. Is it possible to achieve results without owning and controlling every little thing yourself? Yes – there is definitely a way out! All you need is a little bit more trust in people and understanding that to be successful, you don’t have do and control everything yourself literally…

How to organize your closet?

Firstly, let’s understand what ‘organize’ means? Is it a one time process or is it something you have to do regularly? And what does this mean, to have organizational skills and how to apply them for organizing your favorite closet?So, to organize means to systematically arrange something or to put in order. And that is…

Are you awesome?

Do you love how you look? How you feel and think? How you talk the talk and walk the walk? Do you like everything about you? Of course, there is always a room for small improvements here and there but if you would meet You today, would you be happy to have a friend or…

Be proud of yourself

You are the only person in your life who you face 24/7. You have to be proud of yourself, of what you do, what surround you and what you aim for. And if you don’t – never stop learning, developing, succeeding, falling and rising until you can finally honor yourself with this great feeling of being proud of…


Freedom is something we dream to have. We feel stuck in our everyday routine, in the relationship, at work, at home. We don’t feel free because there is always something or someone that makes us feel stressed, makes us change our plans and do something we don’t want. At the end of the day we…